Some people live with knee pain for years before they decide to do anything about it. Trying to ease the pain with movement should always be the first step in addressing the issue. Below are some short stretches that should have a positive impact on a common problem. As with any new exercise or stretch, if the pain increases, it is probably best to consult with an orthopedic specialist before continuing.

Quad Stretch Prone Strap

Fasten a strap on your foot/ankle. Face down with strap coming up your back. Grab the strap with both hands and pull towards the floor in front of your head until a good stretch is felt.  Hold for 10 seconds.

Photo courtesy of Genie.Health

Hamstring Stretch Standing

Place the leg to be stretched on a small step or stool.  Foot pointed up, knee straight. Bend and reach for your knee and slide your hands down your leg, keeping the knee straight until you feel a good stretch behind the knee. Hold. Return to standing.

Photo courtesy of Genie.Health

ITB Stretch Standing

Stand near a wall with your affected leg toward the wall. Use your hand to lean on the wall, and cross your unaffected leg over the affected leg. Push your hips toward the wall to feel a stretch along the outside of your hip. Hold. Relax.

Photo courtesy of Genie.Health

Hip Flexor Stretch Off Edge of Bed

Lie on the side of your bed, with your affected leg closest to the edge. Let it hang off the side of the bed to stretch the front of your hip and thigh. If you do not feel a stretch and your foot can reach the ground, gently bend your knee, using the floor to hold your foot where you do feel a stretch. Hold, and relax.

Photo courtesy of Genie.Health

Photo courtesy of Genie.Health

Calf Stretch Standing

Stand facing a wall. Step back with the leg you are stretching and lean into the wall, bending your front knee. Keep your back leg straight, both heels on the ground, and your foot pointed forward. If you do not feel a stretch behind the ankle and calf then step back further with the leg you’re stretching. Hold.

Photo courtesy of Genie.Health

You can learn more about Dr. Callahan at, or schedule a consultation by calling his Beachwood office at 800-HIP-7485.